2013 m. rugsėjo 14 d., šeštadienis

Comenius Project 2013/2015

Let’s create a multicultural Europe.

Multiculturalism is at least as important as local tradition in Europe. Knowing different cultures, traditions and religions allow to understand and accept these dissimilarities, break down prejudice and recognize them as a source of richness.



Our project crosses socio-cultural obstacles as negative national/regional stereotypes, language barriers, racism. We pretend to build a mutual knowledge, overcome stereotypes sphere, create cultural continuity, commence cooperation in the socio-cultural field. Our activities are pragmatic and based on mutual advantage, we will share values and visions and awareness of a multilingual regions. 
The concrete objectives, problems and approaches of the partnership are:
Objective 1. creating social cohesion, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue,
Subject 1. intercultural dialogue between generations, 
Approach 1. A) students (ss) organize the meetings with their Grandparents on Grandparents Day. They also provide a course on Facebook to let their grandparents keep up to date with youngsters. B) ss precise stereotypes and work out how to break them up C) ss go to kindergartners with a theatre play and other activities (painting, games) about findings in the project in context of multiculturalism,
Objective 2.  increased participation of disadvantaged groups regardless of their socioeconomic background
Subject 2. children with special needs,
Approach 2. ss prepare presents at Christmas for ss with special needs and disadvantaged groups
Objective 3. promoting language learning and linguistic diversity
Subject 3. linguistic diversity
Approach 3. A) ss prepare the European Dictionary of everyday words/expressions/sings B) ss find out their national multilingualism and culture diversity in different regions.
Objective 4. supporting and sharing the development and knowledge of innovative ICT-based content & new pedagogies. 
Subject 4. ICT, new pedagogies CLIL and LdL,
Approach 4. ss provide LdL and teachers CLIL lessons a) of other partners' countries (history, culture, tradition, belief, Nature, National Parks, famous people etc.) b) human rights, equality, freedom, life values c) Amnesty International, UNESCO, UNICEF d) breaking up our stereotypes and make them available on-line.
ICT eg.: ss will use and create eBooks, e-presentations, on-line lessons, video chat, e-voti
Objective 5. creating a sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respect and tolerance for people and cultures,
Subject 5. respect, tolerance, human rights,
Approach 5. A) ss organize a debate with people from other cultures who live in the area. B) ss visit the libraries and read (on-line) and translate the authors who wrote about Equality, Freedom, Racism, Human Rights.

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