2014 m. spalio 31 d., penktadienis

New School Year has started - 
the COMENIUS project is going on!
Mokslo metai prasidėjo - Comenius projektas tęsiasi!
The fourth (ketvirtasis) visit to GREECE (September 21 - 27)
Graikija – mitų, didingos istorijos ir kultūros lopšys
 Kaltinėnų Aleksandro Stulginskio gimnazijos daugiašalio Comenius projekto „Kurkime daugiakultūrę Europą“ partnerystė tęsiasi jau antrus metus. Vos tik prasidėjus naujiems mokslo metams, rugsėjo 21 – 27 dienomis Kaltinėnų gimnazijos mokinių ir mokytojų grupė išvyko į išsvajotąją Graikiją, miestą Mandra.
Šio vizito tema – ekologinės problemos, natūralios aplinkos, nykstančių gyvūnų bei paukščių rūšių išsaugojimas, kultūros paveldo priežiūra ir ekologiško gyvenimo būdo skatinimas. Šiuo tikslu lankėme Atėnus, Elefsiną, Epidavros, Psatha bei Nafplijas miestus.
   Gyvenimas graikų šeimose leido pažinti jų būdą, svetingumą bei kas vakarą, grįžus iš pilnos įspūdžių dienos, pajausti šiltą šeimyninį bendravimą. Kaip ir kiekvienas vizitas taip ir šis prasidėjo išvyka ir susitikimais su vietos valdžia, mokyklos bendruomene. Projekto dalyviai pristatė savo šalies ekologines problemas, pastangas ir galimybes išsaugoti nykstančias gyvūnų ir paukščių rūšis, gamtos unikalumą. Mokiniai dalyvavo žaismingoje pamokoje apie ekologiją. Antroji diena pateikė ypatingų įspūdžių, nes aplankėme istorinį Akropolį, muziejų, pasivaikščiojome Atėnų senamiesčio gatvelėmis, pasigrožėjome neįtikėtina miesto platybe bei vaizdais.
Trečiąją dieną apsilankėme antikinius laikus menančiame mieste Elefsinoje, kuriame dar išlikę buvusios graikų šventovės, kaip vienos svarbiausių kultūros centrų, griuvėsiai, Ji buvo pastatyta 2000 prieš Kristų ir skirta deivei Demetrai. Graikų mokiniai suvaidino dvi ištraukas iš Sofoklio tragedijos “Antigonė” bei Euripidės tragedijos “Trojos moterys”. Be galo išraiškingas ir įtikinamas graikų spektaklis bei tūkstančius menantys šventovės griuvėsiai sukrėtė iki širdies gelmių.
Pietų metu apsilankėme Aplinkosaugos centre, kuriame vykdomi įvairūs projektai, skirti gamtos ir istorinių architektūros paminklų išsaugojimui. Vakarėjant visi Comenius projekto dalyviai leidosi į labai populiarų Psatha miesto paplūdimį, kuris driekiasi palei Egėjo jūrą. Kalnų apsuptyje, po dienos kaitros galėjome atsigaivinti Ėgėjo jūroje, stebėti saulėlydį, o visai sutemus mokiniai ir mokytojai šėlo paplūdimyje šokdami tradicinius graikų šokius.
Ketvirtoji diena buvo skirta senovės Epidavros šventovės, pastatytos pagrindinio sveikatos dievo Askliopo garbei, bei pirmosios Nepriklausomos Graikijos sostinės Nafplijas lankymui. Išradingi užsiėmimai apie šio žymaus objekto istoriją, bei mitologinę prasmę išliks atminty ilgai. Vaikščiodami Nafplijas senamiesčiu ir grožėdamiesi iš abiejų pusių pastatytomis tvirtovėmis turėjome progą pajausti tikrąjį Graikų šalies grožį ir didybę.
Paskutinę dieną susitikome su pradinių mokyklų ir darželių bendruomene, Comenius projekto dalyviai kartu su mokiniais sukūrė plakatą gamtos išsaugojimo tema. Mandros miesto gimnazijos kieme pasodinome alyvmedį, kuris Graikijoje simbolizuoja taiką, išmintį ir pergalę. Vakare surengtame atsisveikinimo renginyje netikėtumai ir staigmenos leido mums suvokti, kad šioje šalyje gyvena nuoširdūs, svetingi, atviri ir laimingi žmonės. Graikijos šalies, jos istorinės praeities, UNESCO saugomų objektų ir paminklų lankymas mokiniams padarė didžiausią įspūdį.
Kai savo svetingos šeimininkės paklausiau, kokie dar istoriniai paminklai ar šventovės yra Mandros mieste, tuomet ji atsakė: “Visur, nes kur kasit – ten ir rasit istoriją…”
Veikla yra finansuojama iš Mokymosi visą gyvenimą programos, kurią Lietuvos Respublikoje administruoja Švietimo mainų paramos fondas.
   Kaltinėnų Aleksandro Stulginskio gimnazija   
   Comenius grupė ir projekto koordinatorė
   Laima Šalkauskienė

Students' comments about the visit to Greece:

   „Kelionė į Graikiją buvo pilna įspūdžių. Niekada gyvenime nepamiršiu šios kelionės. Įspūdingi vaizdai, kalnai, miestai įstrigo giliai atminty. Susipažinimas su kita kultūra, jos žmonėmis, suteikia galimybę plėsti savo akiratį. Esu be galo laiminga. Labiausiai įsiminė kelionė į Atėnus ir prie Egėjo jūros. Ši kelionė truko savaitę, bet pati geriausia mano gyvenime...“ Goda Gudinskaitė IIIg
„...įspūdžiai nenusakomi žodžiais... visiškai kitoks kraštovaizdis, klimatas, žavėjo viskas ką pamačiau. Visą savaitę jaučiausi kaip sapne, nes kiekvieną dieną Graikija žavėjo ne tik gamta bet ir žmonių šiluma, nuoširdumu, draugiškumu. Graikija visada sukels tik pačius geriausius prisiminimus ir įspūdžiai liks visam gyvenimui.“ Sandra Vedeikytė IIIg
   „Kelionė į Graikiją buvo tikras svajonės išsipildymas. Pagaliau turėjau progą aplankyti išsvajotąją šalį, pamatyti nuostabų kraštovaizdį, žymųjį Akropolį, Partenoną, amfiteatrą, Atėnų miestą, pirmąją sostinę Napflio ir dar daug kitų nuostabių vietų. Teko net pasimaudyti Egėjo jūroje. Taip pat susipažinome su daugybe naujų draugų iš kitų šalių, buvo tikrai smagu bendrauti su užsieniečiais, patikrinti ir palavinti šnekamosios anglų kalbos įgūdžius. Buvo įdomu ragauti graikišką maistą, desertai buvo tiesiog nerealūs! Ši kelionė paliko tik pačius geriausius įspūdžius ir daugybę prisiminimų visam gyvenimui!Aurelija Bartašiūtė IIIg
 „Kelionė į Graikiją buvo pats nuostabiausias dalykas mano gyvenime. Niekada nebūčiau pagalvojusi, kad turėsiu galimybę pamatyti tokius vaizdus, tai tiesiog neįtikėtina... Labai draugiška atmosfera, tobula gamta, skanus maistas. Šeima, kurioje gyvenau, buvo tarsi tikra mano šeima, labai rūpestinga, draugiška. Niekada nepamiršiu to, ką patyriau. Esu dėkinga Comenius projektui už tokią galimybę.“ Gabrielė Auškalnytė IIIg

The tasks done on April and September which have been presented in Greece

Task 8: Life is awsome...eat it!
1. School food-presentation of a typical menu lunch at school; recipes, presentations, films 2. Easter Traditions Cookery&Bakery. Students choose the menu in their language and send as a task to partners.

Task 11: Clean up   the world!
1. Our school is green. Students present what do they do for environment. We take part in Clean Up the World campains, collect batteries, electronics, segregate rubbish at school, in town. Art competition.

News spread about the visit to Greece

An article about the visit to Greece in the local newspaper "Šilalės artojas"http://www.silale.lt/go.php/lit/Graikija--mitu-didingos-istorijos-ir-kulturos-lopsys/4489/1

2014 m. gegužės 27 d., antradienis

2014 m. gegužės 22 d., ketvirtadienis

2014 m. gegužės 19 d., pirmadienis

Pažintis su Rumunija: Išskirtinio gamtovaizdžio ir garsiausių visame pasaulyje istorinių paminklų šalis
Meeting with Romania: The land of unique landscape and the most famous landmarks in the world
   Galimybė apsilankyti Rumunijoje, Calarasi regione Perisoru miestelyje – tai vykdomo Comenius daugiašalės partnerystės projekto „Kurkime daugiakultūrę Europą“ tęsinys.
Gegužės 4 – 10 dienomis, gimnazijos mokiniai bei jų mokytojos Laima Šalkauskienė ir Janina Bajarūnienė išsiruošė į dar vieną šalį partnerę – Rumuniją, Perisoru miestą. Miestelis nedidelis tačiau jaukus, kuriame gyvena apie 5000 tūkst. žmonių.

Vizito metu vyko įvairiausios veiklos. Pirmadienį surengta atidarymo konferencija, kurioje pristatėme savo grupę iš Lietuvos, rumunų mokiniai pašoko lietuvių liaudies šokį „Klumpakojis“. Antradienį aplankėme sostinę Bukareštą.  Nuvykome į dažnai lankomus didingus savo architektūra Parlamento rūmus, kurie yra antri pagal dydį visame pasaulyje po JAV Pentagono. Šio, dar vadinamų „Liaudies namais“ pastato bendras plotas — daugiau kaip 360 tūkstančių kvadratinių metrų, kuris turi dvylika aukštų ir 1100 kambarių. Ekskursijos metu sužinojome, jog   XIX a. antroje pusėje prie Parlamento rūmų buvo kuriamas vadinamasis  „Paryžius“. Prancūzų architektai sukūrė įspūdingus visuomeninius pastatus. Dėl parkų, sodų ir aikščių gausumo Bukareštą imta vadinti miestu-sodu.  Rumunai, įkvėpti Paryžiaus Eliziejaus laukų projekto, 1935-aisiais pastatė savo Triumfo arką gražiame Kiselefo prospekte. Tuo metu Bukareštas buvo pramintas Mažuoju Rytų Paryžiumi.  Tačiau Bukareštas garsus ir įspūdingu Kaimo buities muziejumi po atviru dangumi, kuriame sutelkta apie 50 valstiečių gyvenamų būstų ir statinių, įvairių buities padargų ir prietaisų iš visų Rumunijos regionų.
Trečioji diena buvo skirta užsiėmimams mokykloje.  Kiekviena šalis surengė pamokas, tema „Šalies konstitucija ir žmogaus teisės“ bei „Ką pakeistum savo šalyje jei taptum politiku?“ taikant LdL (mokymasis mokant) mokymo metodą anglų kalba.
 Rumunija garsi žemdirbystės tradicijomis, todėl vakarėjant apsilankėme Žemdirbystės muziejuje. Mokiniai dalyvavo CLIL (Užsienio kalbos ir dalyko integruotas mokymas) pamokose. Jose susipažino su giliomis rumunų tautos žemdirbystės, augalininkystės tradicijomis bei aplankė bitininkystės ekspozicijas. Didžiulį įspūdį paliko apsilankymas cerkvėje, kuri žavėjo savo spalvingais šventųjų paveikslais ir auksu dekoruotu altoriumi, kolonomis, medžio raižiniais.
Ketvirtoji diena buvo skirta ypatingam vizitui į Sinaia miestą. Kalnuotoje Transilvanijos papėdėje įsikūręs kurortinis miestas garsus išskirtinės architektūros Peles pilimi, kuri pradėta statyti 1873m. Tai buvo karaliaus Karolio I-ojo vasaros rezidencija. Pilyje gausu geriausių Europos meistrų darbų, kiekviena salė įrengta pagal išskirtinį stilių.
Penktadienį Perisoru mokykloje šventėme Europos dieną. Mokiniai, susiskirstę į tarptautines grupes, dalyvavo konkurse apie Europą, kūrė viziją – kokią jie mato Europą ir ką ji jiems reiškia. Popiet apsilankėme žirgų fermoje kur turėjome galimybę gyvai pasigrožėti žirgų konkūru.
Vizitas baigėsi. Rumunijos šalies grožis, jos įvairus kraštovaizdis, svetingi ir draugiški žmonės išliks atminty ilgai. Nepakartojama patirtis ir suvokimas, jog pasaulis tuo unikalus ir gražus, jog jame gyvena skirtingos tautos, su savo istorija, kalba, kultūra ir religija. Tačiau kokie skirtingi bebūtume mus visus vienija draugystė, tolerantiškumas ir pagarba vienas kitam.
Comenius projektai – mokinio kelias į pasaulio pažinimą ne iš vadovėlio, bet iš tikro gyvo įspūdžio.
Laima Šalkauskienė Comenius projekto koordinatorė 

2014 m. gegužės 3 d., šeštadienis

April task 9

1. Students present their National Constitution or the most important Human Rights. They prepare eBooks and share them with partners.

2. Students provide a part of the lesson (LdL) conected to the Human Rights, Freedom and Life Values. They prepare presentations and quizes about How safe do you feel in your country, town, school. Do people and government respect Human Rights.

"One day politician"
(Ieva Ivinskytė and Dovilė Noreikaitė)
Lithuania Constitution and Human Rights
(Deividas Andreika and Gabrielė Mockutė)

2014 m. balandžio 21 d., pirmadienis

Task 7: Students research and look for people from other cultures, believes, thoughts in their local communities and organize a debate about/with them.

Task 6: 

Partners exchange the local newspapers. They send them to all partners by post.

2. The articles should be

a) choosen by sending partners and apprioprate to translate it with eg. Google translator into English. 

b) and then partners (recipients) check the meaning with partners (senders) by mails (google sharing documents)!


Document - International groups for partners

3. Appropriate articles mean they treat about culture, customs, human rights, equality, freedom! Show all countries newspapers in Comenius Corner in order to promote multilungualism!

Newspapers from Spain, Romania, Greece and Poland.

The Newspaper from Finland

An article from Turkey

Dovilė is ready to translate the Spanish article :)

Sandra (and Goda who is absent) is lucky with Polish article :)

Our newspaper is ready to be sent to our partners :)

Lithuanian article which is sent to partners

Tarę, jog mokytis ir mokyti niekada nevėlu, Comenius daugiašalių mokyklų partnerysčių projekto „Kurkime daugiakultūrę Europą“ dalyviai – mokiniai ir jų vadovė anglų kalbos mokytoja Laima Šalkauskienė pakvietė vyresniąją kartą į susitikimą – mokymus „IT panaudojimo galimybės kasdienybėje“.
Mokytoja Laima Šalkauskienė susirinkusius supažindino su vykdomu Comenius projektu gimnazijoje, pademonstravo nuotraukas iš bendro susitikimo su kitų šalių atstovais, parodė, kur galima daugiau sužinoti naujienų. Informacinių technologijų mokytoja Reda Bartkuvienė supažindino su IT panaudojimo galimybės bei kartu su mokiniais mokė naudotis kompiuteriu, surasti reikalingą informaciją, supažindino su socialiniu tinklu "Facebook". 
Susitikimo dalyviai diskutavo apie pasikeitusias mokymo ir mokymosi sąlygas, informacinių technologijų įtaką ir poreikį. Vyresniosios kartos atstovai, padedami mokinių, bandė atlikti įvairias užduotis kompiuterio pagalba. Pabaigoje renginio prie bendro stalo visi dalinosi įspūdžiais, o mokytoja Laima mokymų dalyviams įteikė pažymėjimus.
 "It is never too late to learn" - that was the slogan of the meeting with grandparents. With the help of comenius group students and IT teacher Reda Bartkuvienė our grandparents were given the opportunity to become friends with new technologies and find out the need of them in our lives. After the training grandparents were discussing about the possibilities and daily life in our local area.
They expressed the will to collaborate in the future, too. 

Task 4: Students prepared eproject as a decription of all partners' countries history, culture, lectures as LdL lessons - Learning by Teaching. 


International Friendship of Comenius Project
   We would like to present December task: an e-project as a decription of all partners' countries history, traditions, customs and culture.
   Before presentation we would like to remain one of our Project objectives which claim that we have to create a sense of European citizenship based on understanding, respect and tolerance for people and cultures. Also, another aim of the Project is to overcome the stereotypes and at least to find out what things unite our countries.
   We believe, that the best idea to find something in common would be to compare the most popular proverbs in your and our countries. So, that‘s why you were asked to send them.  Surprisingly,  all countries have sent the proverbs which have almost the same meaning. We were happy to find something common from the very first step.
So let‘s enjoy the travel and go to the first country – our native country – Lithuania.
The proverb is: "Teisingas draugas vertesnis už auksą"/"Truthful friend is more worth than gold" Here is the photo from the first meeting in Poland.
The most important places in Lithuania are: Curonian Spit which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000; Trakai Castle and Vilnius Cathedral and Old Town which is one of the largest and most beautiful old towns in Central and Eastern Europe.
We wished to find even one common thing among all partners and luckily we discovered a meal which is served in all coutries but we call it differently. In Lithuania we call it Balandėliai in English „Turtledoves“.
And now let‘s go to...................Poland.
So, we have found information about the population, religion, national costumes. Moreover, we have chosen the places which we would like to visit most of all: Wieliczka Salt Mine (Veličkos druskos kasyklos). Such a magical journey along the saline corridors of the labyrinth is an ideal opportunity to see the unique landscapes of extraordinary chambers, discover the traditions and history of the Wieliczka mine.
 Malbork Castle (Malborko pilis) which is the largest castle in the world by surface area, and the largest brick building in Europe.

Also, an amazing building „Crooked House“ (Krzywy Domek) (pronounced [ˈkʂɨvɨ ˈd̪ɔmɛk], is an irregularly-shaped building in Sopot, Poland.Krzywy Domek was built in 2004. It is approximately 4,000 square meters in size and is part of the Rezydent shopping center. It was designed by Szotyńscy & Zaleski who were inspired by the fairytale illustrations and drawings of Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg.
What do we know about Poland and what is in common with Lithuania?
Historical relationship takes a big part of common things between Lithuania and Poland.
Poland merged with Lithuania by royal marriage in 1386.
Battle of Grunwald or Battle of Žalgiris (in 1410) The battle was one of the largest battles in Medieval Europe and is regarded as the most important victory in the history of Poland, Belarus and Lithuania. It was surrounded by romantic legends and source of national pride, becoming a larger symbol of struggle against invaders.
Nowadays, both countries share a common border of 104 km.
Also, Lithuanian Šakotis or Polish sękacz is a popular Lithuanian-Polish traditional cake.
More common things between Poland and Lithuania is a great historical personality Jozefas Pilsudskis (Jozef Pilsudski)who is burried in Cracow and his heart in Vilnius.
Also, we study about a great writer, literature scientist Česlovas Milošas and a poet Adomas Mickevičius (Adam Mickiewicz) who always remained:  „gente lithuanus, natione polonus“. These famous people had participated in both Lithuania and Poland political and literature lives.
 A marvelous composer Fryderik Franciszek Chopin. Over 230 works of Chopin survived; some compositions from early childhood have been lost. All his known works involve the piano, and only a few range beyond solo piano music, as either piano concertos or chamber music. Chopin took the new salon genre of the nocturne, invented by the Irish composer John Field, to a deeper level of sophistication. Chopin also endowed popular dance forms with a greater range of melody and expression. Chopin's mazurkas, while originating in the traditional Polish dance (the mazurek), differed from the traditional variety in that they were written for the concert hall rather than the dance hall; "it was Chopin who put the mazurka on the European musical map."
 An astronomer Mikalojus Kopernikas (Mikolaj Kopernik) was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a heliocentric model of the universe which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center.

We have found some inventions which widely spread around the world and which were invented by Polish.
Great invention "The walkie-talkie" a device which is used for portable radio communication. The inventor and engineer Henryk Magnuski  designed a device for U.S.
Paraffin Lamp An inventor Ignacy Lukasiewicz This invention is still used in Lithuanian country as a decoration or to creat a cosy atmosphere at a silent summer night.
Melex (Golf Cart) An inventor  a small Polish company in Mielec in (1971)
Lithuania children enjoy mostly known Polish cartoon "Lolek and Bolek".
Now, it‘s time to move to............ Romania.
Here also you can see the photo which was taken in Poland.
The places which we call as a „must-see“ are:
House of Parlament. According to the World Records Academy, the Palace is the world's largest civilian building with an administrative function, The Palace was designed by architect Anca Petrescu and nearly completed by the Ceaușescu regime as the seat of political and administrative power. Nicolae Ceaușescu named it the People's House (Casa Poporului), also known in English as the Palace of the People.
Maramures wooden churches in the Maramureș region of northern Transylvania are a group of almost one hundred churches of different architectural solutions from different periods and areas. They are Orthodox churches. The Maramureș churches are high timber constructions with characteristic tall, slim bell towers at the western end of the building. Maramureș is one of the better-known regions of Romania, with autonomous traditions since the Middle Ages - but still not much visited. Its well-preserved wooden villages and churches, its traditional lifestyle, and the local colourful dresses still in use make Maramureș as near to a living museum as can be found in Europe.
The wooden churches of the region that still stand were built starting in the 17th century all the way to 19th century. Eight were listed by the UNESCO as World Heritage Sites in 1999, for their religious architecture and timber construction traditions. These are: Bârsana, Budești, Desești, Ieud, Plopiș, Poienile Izei, Rogoz, Șurdești.
Dracula's Castle is situated near Bran and in the immediate vicinity of Braşov, is a national monument and landmark in Romania. The fortress is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia, which several locations are linked to the Dracula legend.
What do we know about Romania and what is in common with Lithuania?
We have found historical trace - the great romanian personality Titus Livijus Majoresku's daughter  got married with Lithuanian nobleman Eugenijus Dimša and settled down in Ilzenberg manor, Lithuania.
Romania and Lithuania were admitted into NATO in the 2002 expansion.
Lithuanians and Romanians are famous for their passion to Sport Dances. These countries dancers are often on the top list of the best world sports dances.
National and natural parks such as Danube Delta,  a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Europe's largest wetlands display a unique variety of landscapes and wildlife, grasslands, gorges.
The most famous personalities in Romania are Alexandru Froda was a well-known Romanian mathematician with important contributions in the field of mathematical analysis, algebra, number theory and rational mechanics. In his 1929 thesis he proved what is now known as Froda's theorem.
A sculptor Constantin Brancusi who led the way for modernist sculptors.
Prodigy cubist painter Alexandra Nichita whose paintings are considered  resembling to Picasso.
A famous Romanian soprano  Angela Gheorghiu.  She is best known for her performances in the operas „Puccini".
Some interesting facts about Romania:
The largest population of brown bears in Europe lives in Romania.
Romania has one of the happiest cemeteries on Earth.
The statue of Decebalus, Europe's largest Rock sculpture.
Timisoara (Romania) is the first  city lit by electric street lamps in continental Europe.
  Let‘s travel to................................ Turkey.
Here is a photo with Turkish group in Poland.
The most attractive places in Turkey which we would like to see are:
Pamukkale region Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. The city contains hot springs and travertines, terraces of carbonate minerals left by the flowing water. It is located in Turkey's Inner Aegean region, in the River Menderes valley, which has a temperate climate for most of the year. Pamukkale is a tourist attraction. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site together with Hierapolis. Hierapolis-Pamukkale was made a World Heritage Site in 1988.
Ephesus contains the largest collection of Roman ruins in the eastern Mediterranean. Ephesus is believed to be the city of the Seven Sleepers. The story of the Seven Sleepers, who are considered saints by Catholics and Orthodox Christians and whose story is also mentioned in the Qur'an, tells that they were persecuted because of their belief in God and that they slept in a cave near Ephesus for centuries. The ancient city of Ephesus (Turkish: Efes), in modern day Turkey, was one of the great cities of the Greeks in Asia Minor and home to the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
St. Hagia Sophia is a former Greek Orthodox patriarchal basilica (church), later an imperial mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Hagia Sophia is one of the greatest surviving examples of Byzantine architecture.[6] Its interior is decorated with mosaics and marble pillars and coverings of great artistic value.
What do we know about Turkey and what is in common with Lithuania?
Antalya and Marmaris are the most preferred touristic destination for Lithuanians.
In Lithuania, Vilnius University, Vilnius Pedagogy University as well as Vytautas Magnus University offer Turkish language courses in their curriculum.
About 250 Turkish citizens are living in Lithuania.
An amazing place Cappadocia. Many of these thousand-year-old cave dwellings in Cappadocia Valley, Turkey are actually still inhabited!
Sertab Erener a successful singer and the winner of Eurovision in 2003.
Erkan Ogur a professional musician. A pioneer of fretless guitars, he invented the first fretless classical guitar in 1976. A composer, he has influenced many musicians with his compositions combining the sounds of Turkish folk music, classical music with the ancient traditional music. He has played many concerts all over the world. He is regarded as a master of the kopuz and bağlama lutes.
Orhan Pamuk, a Turkish novelist, who won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Kenan Sofuoglu, a professional motorcycle  racer, who won the  2007 Supersport World Championship.
Mehmet Okur is the first Turkish NBA champion in 2004 with Detroit Pistons and also the first Turkish
 basketball player who was chosen to NBA All Star team.
What else do we enjoy which has come from Turkey?
 Turkish kebap, halvah, caffee are very popular among Lithuanians.  Different versions of Halva are found all over the world. Though widely considered a Turkish treat, in 13th century text that mentions two kinds of halvah or "helva", one is a grape syrup halva called "pekmez helvasi" and the almond version is "badem helvasi". Throughout history there are mentions of nobles and sultans enjoying halvah.
Turkish dramas have widely spread in Lithuania. This popularity by pointing at the traditional, patriarchal values of the Turkish shows let us expand our knowledge about Turkish traditions, culture even teach us great facts of Turkey history.
 Let‘s travel to.............................Greece
Here is a photo with Greek group in Poland.
The most attractive places in Greece which we would like to see are:
Delfi is both an archaeological site and a modern town in Greece on the south-western spur of Mount Parnassus in the valley of Phocis. In myths dating to the classical period of Ancient Greece (510-323 BC), the site of Delphi was believed to be determined by Zeus when he sought to find the centre of his "Grandmother Earth" (Ge, Gaea, or Gaia). He sent two eagles flying from the eastern and western extremities, and the path of the eagles crossed over Delphi where the omphalos, or navel of Gaia was found.
Santorini classically Thera (English pronunciation /ˈθɪrə/), and officially Thira (Greek: Θήρα [ˈθira]); is an island in the southern Aegean Sea, about 200 km southeast of Greece's mainland. Santorini is essentially what remains after an enormous volcanic explosion that destroyed the earliest settlements on a formerly single island, and created the current geological caldera. The traditional architecture of Santorini is similar to that of the other Cyclades, with low-lying cubical houses, made of local stone and whitewashed or limewashed with various volcanic ashes used as colours.
and Meteora "middle of the sky", "suspended in the air" or "in the heavens above" — etymologically related to "Meteorite") is one of the largest and most important complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries in Greece, second only to Mount Athos. The six monasteries are built on natural sandstone rock pillars, at the northwestern edge of the Plain of Thessaly near the Pineios river and Pindus Mountains, in central Greece. The nearest town is Kalambaka. The Metéora is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List under criteria.
What do we know about Greece and what is in common?
Lithuanians love dancing Traditional dance of Greece Sirtaki.
Demis Roussos – a great singer who visit Lithuania from time to time. Almost everybody knows his unforgetable songs „Goodbye my love goodbye“, „Forever and ever“.
The word „Athens“ which is the capital and largest city of Greece is related with a weekly newspaper about culture. It is"Šiaurės Atėnai" (in English: North Athens) which is being published since 1990 in the capital of Vilnius.
Undoubtedly, Greek have invented a lot of devices which are used nowadays: The thermometer, a map, an alarm clock, the anchor, the vending machine.
Finally, a few Lithuanian sprotsmen has been playing in Greece basketball and football clubs.
 Next our partner is...............................Spain
Here is a photo with Spanish group in Poland.
The most attractive places and festival which we would like to visit are:
La Tomatina festival which is held in the Valencian town of Buñol, a town located 30 km from the Mediterranean, in which participants throw tomatoes and get involved in this tomato fight purely for fun. It is held on the last Wednesday of August, during the week of festivities of Buñol. The most popular theory about how the Tomatina started is that, in 1945, during a parade of the "Little Rabbit" some woodland animals were eating all the watermelon so, the people at the parade threw tomatoes at the animals; one missed and hit a person. Then, they started throwing the tomatoes and the police had to attack everyone. However, there are many other theories.
Burgos Cathedral is a city in northern Spain and the historic capital of Castile. It has many historic landmarks, of particular importance; the Cathedral of Burgos was declared as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984.
Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, 79 kilometres (49 miles) off the coast of the city of Valencia, in eastern Spain. It is the third largest of the Balearic Islands, an autonomous community of Spain. Its largest cities are Ibiza Town.
Ibiza is the home of the noted port in Ibiza Town, a popular stop for many tourists and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Gran Canaria and Tenerife are well known holiday resorts for Lithuanians.
Migel De Cervantes novel “Don Kichot and Sancho Panza„. In our daily life we use a saying „Fight like  Don Kichot“ which means it is impossible to fullfill your wish.
Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis played a role of Romantic Painter and printmaker Francisco Goya in 1971.
Painter Pablo Picasso and Cubism and his famous proverbs: for example: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up” . He is one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore.
Legendary Spanish basketball players:
Pau Gazol, Joce Calderon, Marc Gazol, Ricky Rubio, Juan Carlos Navarro.
Our most famous basketball player Arvydas Sabonis and others played in Spain basketball clubs. Now his son Tautvydas Sabonis is playing in Malagos Unicaja club.
Moreover, we have found amazing Spanish inventions commonly used and likeable in Lithuania.
The first is Spacesuit, Emilio Bellvis and his bucket with a broom. There is a nice story hot it was invented. Actually the first one who came up with that idea was Manuel Corominas, an engineer in the air force. He designed a device to get Spanish women off their knees. On a trip to the US in the 1950's, he observed how the Americans washed the floor: with a flat mop that you wrang-out through rollers in a bucket. With the help of his friend, Emilio Bellvis, a mechanic at the Zaragoza air base, he set up the company Rodex and went into mop production.
Enric Bernat came up with the idea of a bon bon on a stickwhish is now called Chupa Chups.
Spanish Cuisine is very popular in Lithuania. We enjoy Tortilla de Patata and Light Drink Sangria.
And finally after travelling around we have reached the destination of Finland.
Here is a photo with Finnish group in Poland.
The most attractive places and festival which we would like to visit are:
Arktikum Museum is a museum and science centre in Finland. Arktikum is an attraction and popular culture destination. Arktikum opened to the public on 6 December 1992, the 75th anniversary of Finland's independence. It was designed by Danish architect group Birch-Bonderup & Thorup-Waade. The crescent-shaped new annex was designed by Bonderup and Lehtipalo, and it was completed in autumn 1997. According to Topworld International, the museum is the 4th best travel attraction in Finland.
Muurame Saunas Museum specialises in the history of Finnish sauna, as well as sauna today and in the future. The sauna museum consists of a permanent exhibition, a collection of sauna buildings as well as a chance to experience sauna yourself. Some of the smoke saunas are still in working order and can be heated by prior arrangement; specialities include a bridal and peat sauna as well as a relaxing bathing barrel. Café and Lapp hut with open fire.
Helsinki Cathedral is the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran cathedral of the Diocese of Helsinki, located in the neighbourhood of Kruununhaka in the centre of Helsinki, Finland. The church was originally built from 1830-1852 as a tribute to the Grand Duke of Finland, Tsar Nicholas I of Russia. It was also known as St Nicholas' Church until the independence of Finland in 1917.
What do we know about Finland and what is in common?
In early ages (18 - 19 centuries) we were surrounded by the same enemies, we both fought against them and at least became free during the World War I.
In 19 century our countries fought for our native languages.
Our countries are on the coast of the Baltic Sea, one of the most beautiful coasts in Europe. The Baltic Sea is one of the world's most unique marine environments.
Nokia mobile phones which were invented by Eduard Polón (1861-1930), Nokia's founder, are widely used and popular in Lithuania.
Nokia Oyj is a Finnish communications and information technology multinational corporation that is headquartered in Espoo, Finland. Its Nokia Solutions and Networks company provides telecommunications network equipment and services, while Internet services, including applications, games, music, media and messaging, and free-of-charge digital map information and navigation services, are delivered through its wholly owned subsidiary.
Sauna – invented by Finnish, Study says, that Bone Ice skates were invented by Ancient Finns.
We have found something for children - Moomins - are the characters in a series of books and a comic strip by Swedish-Finn iliustrator and writer Tove Jansson.
As well as Angrybirds, which were created by Rovio Entertainment Company in Finland.
One of the most famous rock band – HIM from Helsinki. Formed in 1991 by vocalist Ville Valo, guitarist Mikko "Linde" Lindström, and bassist Mikko "Migé" Paananen, HIM's current lineup consists of Valo, Linde, Migé and Janne "Emerson Burton" Puurtinen on keyboards and Mika Karppinen on drums. They have released eight studio albums to date, their latest, titled Tears on Tape, was released April 26, 2013. This group has been in Lithuania for several times and our youngsters love their music.
Eurovision songs contest in 2006 is the most memoriable in Finland as well as in Lithuania. Your group “Lordi” won the first place that year and our group for fun “LT United” won the highest – 6th place ever.

Also, we believe that we can meet Santa Claus at the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi, Lapland in Finland which is his living place...

Task 3: Students prepare hand made postcards for Xmas and send them to partners authourities and media in order to make a closer friendship.