2013 m. gruodžio 20 d., penktadienis

Comenius project "Let's create a multicultural Europe" visit to Poland presentation at school. 

      November 29th, Comenius group of students shared their impressions of the first visit to Poland, which lasted 7 days (November 17th - 23rd). English teacher Laima Šalkauskienė, Project Coordinator, presented the project objectives and the activities of the first visit. History teacher Nomeda Kasmauskaitė shared her impressions about  the visit to the most famous historical sites in Warsaw, the participation in the integrated history and biology lessons, which were conducted in English. The teacher was glad to have the great opportunity to update knowledge of English, as well as improve the Russian language skills. At the end of the  presentation students and teachers were treated in candies brought from Poland.

The Headmaster Virginijus Andrejauskas, A group of students who visited Poland and teachers:
Laima Šalkauskienė and Nomeda Kasmauskaitė 

Kelios akimirkos iš pirmojo Comenius projekto "Kurkime daugiakultūrę Europą" vizito į Lenkiją 
(2013 11 17 - 2013 11 23)

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