2015 m. balandžio 30 d., ketvirtadienis

2014 November task

You are born to learn!

Students find out what jobs are on the market, what is worth to study, how many retired are in 100 workers, who do they want to be and where in Europe they will find a job, how does the brain work, what languages are needed, how many times people change the job as place and occupation, how long do they have to learn/study etc.
Interview with working adults
Interview with working students

Interview with pupils

Meeting with Tauragė Labour market specialist
   Students could find a lot of information about the Labour market,part-time job for students in summer and about the future opportunities to work according zodiac sign, favourite activities and preferences.
   There were discussion about the personal qualities needed for different kind of jobs. Students could evaluate themselves by doing tests and it definitely helped them to make their decisions easier.
Dainora Petrikaitė IIg grade student

"Jump into Parents' Shoes"

Gymnasium organized a meeting in their own community by visiting local workplaces, inviting debate and lessons into their schools and meetings. We organized meetings with Klaipėda University students, Social insurance center specialist Inga Šaulienė. Gymnasium Career center organized "Jump into parents' Shoes" day when students visited different institutions: Kaltinėnai local hospital, Cultural center, Elder people's house in Kaltinėnai, Police Office, chemistry's,  and working places in order to find out about different professions. 

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